On May 16, 2019 11:05 AM EDT Susan Jacobson changed a meeting of Select Board as follows:
Not Yet Availableto
In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 30A, Section 20, notice is hereby given that the Board of Selectmen will meet on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in Meeting Room 124, One Liberty Lane, Norfolk, MA Be advised this meeting will be audio and video taped. *Pledge of Allegiance* 1. 7:00 p.m. Call Meeting to Order Action Items 2. Please consider Selectmen’s Liaison Assignments 3. Please consider appointing Gary Sullivan to the Town Government Study Committee 4. Please consider approving and executing the Fire Union Contract 5. Please consider the following topics and actions for the H. Olive Day Roof Replacement Project a. Discuss the next steps on the school roof project b. Authorize the Chair to execute the MSBA Project Funding Agreement c. Authorize the Chair to award the bid to Greenwood Industries 6. Please consider authorizing the Chair to execute a contract with PARE Corporation for Storm water Engineering Services 7. Please consider authorizing the Chair to award a Bid for SERSG Water & Sewer Chemicals to various bidders for Fiscal Year 2020 8. Please consider authorizing the Chair to sign a FEMA Reimbursement Grant request for expenses incurred by the Town for the March 13, 2018 snowstorm 9. Please consider re-establishment of the Economic Development Committee Discussion Items 10. Please discuss process to search to fill the position of Fire Chief 11. Please discuss the Board’s goals and work plan for the ensuing Fiscal Year 12. Please discuss the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Selectmen and the Town Administrator Report of Warrants 13. The following warrants have been signed: • 4/23/19 43V19 $969,119.96 (KK) • 4/30/19 44VS19 $62,992.11 (KK) • 4/30/19 44VSA19 $2,336.42 (KK) • 4/30/19 44V19 $424,418.70 (KK) • 5/7/19 45V19 $168,229.12 (KK) • 5/14/1946VS19 $100,673.72 (KK) • 5/14/19 46V19 $268,177.66 (KK) Approve Minutes 14. Please consider approval of the minutes. 15. Executive Session under M.G.L. c.30A, §21(A)(3) to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the public body with regard to the Fire Union Contract. 16. Executive Session under M.G.L. c.30A, §21(A)(3) to discuss strategy with respect to litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the public body with regard to the pending litigation matters with the Town. Any other unanticipated business that may come before the Board ADJOURNMENT ________________________________ Blythe C. Robinson, Town Administrator
So that the meeting notice now reads:
Town: | Norfolk, MA |
Board: | Select Board |
Time: | Tuesday May 21, 2019 7:00 PM EDT |
Location: | Room 124 |
Agenda: | In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 30A, Section 20, notice is hereby given that the Board of Selectmen will meet on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in Meeting Room 124, One Liberty Lane, Norfolk, MA Be advised this meeting will be audio and video taped. *Pledge of Allegiance* 1. 7:00 p.m. Call Meeting to Order Action Items 2. Please consider Selectmen’s Liaison Assignments 3. Please consider appointing Gary Sullivan to the Town Government Study Committee 4. Please consider approving and executing the Fire Union Contract 5. Please consider the following topics and actions for the H. Olive Day Roof Replacement Project a. Discuss the next steps on the school roof project b. Authorize the Chair to execute the MSBA Project Funding Agreement c. Authorize the Chair to award the bid to Greenwood Industries 6. Please consider authorizing the Chair to execute a contract with PARE Corporation for Storm water Engineering Services 7. Please consider authorizing the Chair to award a Bid for SERSG Water & Sewer Chemicals to various bidders for Fiscal Year 2020 8. Please consider authorizing the Chair to sign a FEMA Reimbursement Grant request for expenses incurred by the Town for the March 13, 2018 snowstorm 9. Please consider re-establishment of the Economic Development Committee Discussion Items 10. Please discuss process to search to fill the position of Fire Chief 11. Please discuss the Board’s goals and work plan for the ensuing Fiscal Year 12. Please discuss the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Selectmen and the Town Administrator Report of Warrants 13. The following warrants have been signed: • 4/23/19 43V19 $969,119.96 (KK) • 4/30/19 44VS19 $62,992.11 (KK) • 4/30/19 44VSA19 $2,336.42 (KK) • 4/30/19 44V19 $424,418.70 (KK) • 5/7/19 45V19 $168,229.12 (KK) • 5/14/19 46VS19 $100,673.72 (KK) • 5/14/19 46V19 $268,177.66 (KK) Approve Minutes 14. Please consider approval of the minutes. 15. Executive Session under M.G.L. c.30A, §21(A)(3) to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the public body with regard to the Fire Union Contract. 16. Executive Session under M.G.L. c.30A, §21(A)(3) to discuss strategy with respect to litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the public body with regard to the pending litigation matters with the Town. Any other unanticipated business that may come before the Board ADJOURNMENT ________________________________ Blythe C. Robinson, Town Administrator |
Scheduled By: | Susan Jacobson |
Posted At: | May 14, 2019 2:33 PM EDT |
Last Modified: | May 16, 2019 11:14 AM EDT |