On Feb 16, 2022 5:45 PM EST Richard Tom Fanning changed a meeting of Community Preservation Committee as follows:
1. The minutes of January 20, 2021 will be approved at our March meeting. 2. Using the CPA Application form as a basis for more attention to CPA funded projects. Recommendation from Joe. 3. Finances a. Projections for CPA revenues to cover next $250,000 commitment to HCDI; Suggestion from Finance Committee to get this money from a source outside of the CPA funds b. Update on the CPC tracking CPA funds to align with the state bylaw: Tom 3. Update on status of Historic Restoration projects: Cyd & Joe 4. Job description for an administrative assistant including accounting assistance: Jim 5. Follow up with report of Tom’s Jan 24 visit with Select Board a. process to require CPC approval before checks are written b. Amend bylaw from 7 to 9 members c. Initiative to get the required CPC member from Conservation Commission 6. Recommendations for future agenda items:to
1. The minutes of January 20, 2021 will be approved at our March meeting. 2. Finances a. Projections for CPA revenues to cover next $250,000 commitment to HCDI; Suggestion from Finance Committee to get this money from a source outside of the CPA funds b. Update on the CPC tracking CPA funds to align with the state bylaw: Tom 3. Discussion of an approval of these warrant articles for Annual Town Meeting. Deadline for submission is March 3, 2022. a. Article: The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation and transfer of $3,500 from the Community Preservation Fund estimated annual revenues for administrative expenses in FY2023. b. Article: The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation and transfer the following sums of money from the Community Preservation Fund estimated annual revenues, and to reserve for later appropriation; $14,500.00 for Open Space; $14,500.00 for Community Housing; and $14,500.00 for Historic Resources; and to reserve for later appropriation $40,200.00 to the FY2023 Community Preservation Fund Budgeted Reserve. 4. Update on status of Historic Restoration projects: Cyd & Joe 5. Job description for an administrative assistant including accounting assistance: Jim 6. Follow up with report of Tom’s Jan 24 visit with Select Board a. process to require CPC approval before checks are written b. Amend bylaw from 7 to 9 members c. Initiative to get the required CPC member from Conservation Commission 7. Recommendations for future agenda items: a. Using the CPA Application form as a basis for more attention to CPA funded projects. Recommendation from Joe. b. Pursuant to the Pelham CPC Bylaw, we must schedule a public information hearing before June 30, 2022 to inform the public of the information and specific projects the Committee has identified and solicit input from the public on additional needs and possibilities that the public believes important. Notice of these public hearings should be posted preceding the hearing. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84727095643?pwd=aTRyeEFqTi9FN0ZJNDhXRm9PZUM2Zz09 Meeting ID: 847 2709 5643 Passcode: 770366 One tap mobile +16468769923,,84727095643#,,,,*770366# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) Meeting ID: 847 2709 5643 Passcode: 770366 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdMOZ0Gkh0
So that the meeting notice now reads:
Town: | Pelham, MA |
Board: | Community Preservation Committee |
Time: | Thursday February 17, 2022 6:00 PM EST |
Location: | Zoom |
Agenda: | 1. The minutes of January 20, 2021 will be approved at our March meeting. 2. Finances a. Projections for CPA revenues to cover next $250,000 commitment to HCDI; Suggestion from Finance Committee to get this money from a source outside of the CPA funds b. Update on the CPC tracking CPA funds to align with the state bylaw: Tom 3. Discussion of an approval of these warrant articles for Annual Town Meeting. Deadline for submission is March 3, 2022. a. Article: The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation and transfer of $3,500 from the Community Preservation Fund estimated annual revenues for administrative expenses in FY2023. b. Article: The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation and transfer the following sums of money from the Community Preservation Fund estimated annual revenues, and to reserve for later appropriation; $14,500.00 for Open Space; $14,500.00 for Community Housing; and $14,500.00 for Historic Resources; and to reserve for later appropriation $40,200.00 to the FY2023 Community Preservation Fund Budgeted Reserve. 4. Update on status of Historic Restoration projects: Cyd & Joe 5. Job description for an administrative assistant including accounting assistance: Jim 6. Follow up with report of Tom’s Jan 24 visit with Select Board a. process to require CPC approval before checks are written b. Amend bylaw from 7 to 9 members c. Initiative to get the required CPC member from Conservation Commission 7. Recommendations for future agenda items: a. Using the CPA Application form as a basis for more attention to CPA funded projects. Recommendation from Joe. b. Pursuant to the Pelham CPC Bylaw, we must schedule a public information hearing before June 30, 2022 to inform the public of the information and specific projects the Committee has identified and solicit input from the public on additional needs and possibilities that the public believes important. Notice of these public hearings should be posted preceding the hearing. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84727095643?pwd=aTRyeEFqTi9FN0ZJNDhXRm9PZUM2Zz09 Meeting ID: 847 2709 5643 Passcode: 770366 One tap mobile +16468769923,,84727095643#,,,,*770366# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) Meeting ID: 847 2709 5643 Passcode: 770366 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdMOZ0Gkh0 |
Scheduled By: | Richard Tom Fanning |
Posted At: | Feb 14, 2022 2:52 PM EST |
Last Modified: | Mar 24, 2022 7:26 PM EDT |