Change Summary

On May 12, 2016 4:53 PM EDT Helen Divoll changed a meeting of Select Board as follows:

So that the meeting notice now reads:

Information for Meeting of Select Board
Tuesday May 17, 2016 7:00 PM EDT

Town:Royalston, MA 
Board:Select Board
Time:Tuesday May 17, 2016 7:00 PM EDT
Location:Select Board Office
1. Call to Order
2. Reading of Minutes of previous meeting(s)
3. Acknowledgements, announcements, correspondence
4. Department Head Reports
5. Old Business
6. New Business
    a. New Assessor needed 
    b. Acceptance of Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Update of 2015
    c. Review of Town Bylaws
    d. Review of leftover FY16 money
    e. Schedule a June STM to recover leftover FY16 money
    f. Appointments for FY17
    g. Chapter 90 Reimbursement 
8. Any other item(s) not reasonably
   anticipated 48 hours prior to such
9. Adjournment
Scheduled By:the automatic scheduling system
Posted At:May 04, 2016 6:00 AM EDT
Last Modified:May 12, 2016 4:53 PM EDT