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Anytown, USA
Ashburnham, MA
Athol, MA
Barre, MA
Berlin, MA
Brookfield, MA
Chatham, MA
Dalton, MA
East Brookfield, MA
Hardwick, MA
Norfolk, MA
Orange, MA
Pelham, MA
Petersham, MA
Phillipston, MA
Royalston, MA
Shutesbury, MA
Southampton, MA
Templeton, MA
West Tisbury, MA
The special town "Anytown, USA" is available for learning about this site. If you select that town, you will be given a short tutorial on how to log in, schedule meetings, etc.
Press Coverage
Jim Sweeney has written a book about cloud computing in the public sector, and he included a case study about this site. You can buy the book at:
B&N (paperback),
B&N (nook), or
Excellent article in the Cape Cod Chronicle about Chatam's rollout in February 2012: Chatham’s Meeting Notices Migrating To The Cloud
A nice article about this web site was published in the MMA's Beacon in June 2011: Website helps towns comply with open meeting rules
The Worcester Telegram had a story about the open meeting law in July 2010. This site was mentioned: New state Open Meeting Law has local officials scrambling