Agenda: | 1. Call meeting to order
2. Preview of website (work in progress) - Megan Gentile
3. Review/approve Mar 5,2024 meeting minutes
4. Treasurer's report: discuss/approve
a. Purchase cordless vacuum for COA
5. Director's report
6. COA Board Liaison report: ATM May 7th @ 7PM at Norris School
7. New Business:
a. Update on Fundraising
Subcommittee plans:
1. Pickleball Challenge - Jun 8 & 9
2. Annual picnic - June 24th
3. Golf Outing - Sept 6th
4. Others (TBD)
8. Regular membership activities:
Monthly luncheons??
9. Other business/Suggestions??
10. Next meeting - May 7, 2024
11. Adjourn |