Information for Meeting of Board of Selectmen
Wednesday June 15, 2022 7:00 PM EDT

Town:Phillipston, MA 
Board:Board of Selectmen
Time:Wednesday June 15, 2022 7:00 PM EDT
Location:Phillipston Memorial Building
20 The Common, Phillipston, MA 01331
Class Room Handicap access
Board of Selectmen Meeting 
Wednesday, June 15, 2022 7:00PM
Phillipston Memorial School
Meeting Room
20 The Common
Phillipston, MA 01331

This agenda lists all matters anticipated for discussion; some items may be passed over, and other items not listed may be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law. Any member of the public planning to record the meeting must first notify the Chair.

7:00 Call to Order
1.	Announcements
a.	Invitation to Queen Lake Annual Membership Meeting
b.	Aquatic Treatment at Queen Lake
2.	Approve meeting minutes from June 1, 2022
3.	Scheduled Items
a.	NRSD Summer Program Agreement. Draft agreement and liability insurance certificate have been received. 
b.	Hennep Host Community Agreement. Redlined versions of the agreement from both Hennep and Town Counsel to be voted on.
c.	New Ambulance. Chief Parker has the contract for the new ambulance to be signed.
d.	Signing of Melanson CPA contract for FY23 services.
e.	Signing of American Alarm contracts to upgrade to cellular service for the school building and other town buildings.
f.	Sylvia Haley: Wage Plan and Evaluations. No further information has been provided. 
g.	FY23 Appointments
4.	Other Business
a.	Juneteenth as a Holiday: Juneteenth has been adopted at the State and Federal levels. Staff have asked if the Board will vote for the Town to adopt it as well.
b.	Carryover and buy-back of FY22 vacation time.
c.	Clarification of organization of the Board of Selectmen
5.	Old Business
a.	ARPA Funds: follow up on committee ideas.
b.	Updates on building renovations/repairs. Status of HVAC units, Library and Annex Roofs.
c.	Boiler Switch at PMS
6.	Other business needing attention not known 48 hours prior to meeting
Next scheduled meeting: 
June 29, 2022
Scheduled By:the automatic scheduling system
Posted At:Jun 02, 2022 6:00 AM EDT
Last Modified:Jul 06, 2022 5:48 PM EDT
Minutes:Minutes are on record with the Town Clerk's office
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Minutes and Associated Documents

06152022 BOS Meeting Minutes.pdf  (download) 120 Kb Jul 06, 2022 5:48 PM EDT

Meeting Revision History

Jun 13, 2022 11:01 AM EDTAgenda Details...