Information for Meeting of Economic Development Committee
Tuesday April 21, 2020 6:00 PM EDT

Town:Berlin, MA 
Board:Economic Development Committee
Time:Tuesday April 21, 2020 6:00 PM EDT
Location:Zoom (virtual) meeting (by internet video-audio or phone)
1.	Guests
-	Matt Senie (Riverbridge), Geoff Green (Clinton Savings Bank Berlin Branch Manager) and Ceylan Rowe (candidate for State Rep )

2.	Report/Discuss/Vote:
-	Minutes review
-	Essential Businesses in Berlin list from Civic Plus
-	COVID resources: &

3.	Member Assignments (discuss/update):
-Paul:		-   	HC & Fit Factory update
-Jason:	-	DB-IT, Berlin websites mgmt & Metrowest Chamber and welcome signs
-Keith		-	Work w Jason re: signs & attracting more restaurants to Berlin and National Lumber and Berlin General Store
-Peter:	-Berlin COVID handout, Warrant Article & complete security assignment and privacy form.

4.  Future meeting dates & location and unanticipated business

-Times are approximate; items may start before or after posted times depending on attendance, previous items, etc.
-The listing of items is what is reasonably anticipated by the Chair and which may be discussed at the meeting.  Not all items listed may, in fact, be discussed, and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law. 

This communication and any communication incorporated herein, including attachments, may be subject to public disclosure as a “public record,” as defined by M. G. L. c. 4, § 7, and subject to public inspection, examination and copying pursuant to M. G. L. c. 66, § 10.  Any communication with this agency whether in response to this communication or otherwise may itself be subject to public inspection and copying pursuant to M. G. L. c. 66, § 10, unless protected by statutory exemption.

Chambers of Commerce: ,,,, <<<<Jason),, Marlboro Met them.

VIRTUAL MEETING INFO:   Meeting ID: 872 6997 3579
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,87269973579# US (New York)
+13126266799,,87269973579# US (Chicago)
Scheduled By:Peter Hoffman
Posted At:Mar 31, 2020 7:25 PM EDT
Last Modified:Apr 21, 2020 11:49 AM EDT
Minutes:Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office
Email a Link to this Meeting or  Add to your Calendar

Minutes and Associated Documents

BEDC Meeting minutes final 4-21-20.pdf  (download) 440 Kb Apr 13, 2021 10:11 AM EDT
BEDC Meeting minutes final 4-21-20.pdf  (download) 440 Kb Apr 13, 2021 10:12 AM EDT

Meeting Revision History

Apr 21, 2020 11:13 AM EDTAgenda Details...
Apr 21, 2020 11:49 AM EDTAgenda Details...