Special Meeting CONTUINATION OF Wednesday November 4, 2020
6:00 pm via Zoom
Topic: Special Local Southampton School Committee
Time: Thursday November 4, 2020 at 6:00 pm
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Meeting ID: 897 7957 3776
Passcode: 130057
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I. Call to Order
A. Chair Jon Lumbra
II. Routine Matters:
A. Correspondence
1. Receive report from BG Mechanical
2. Review impact of full return on current bussing restrictions.
3. Receive Survey results for grade level specific questions that will have been sent to all parents/guardians.
III. Old Business
A. Evaluate the status of the impact of having all K & 1 St back in the school.
B. Confirm that the committee willing to continue to bring grades 2 and above back at the 4.5 foot distance. Vote needed prior to 11/20/2020
C. Receive update on the current Norris application to the town for $186,591 of the $540,000 accumulative CARES funding that the town was awarded.
IV. New Business
A. Other
V. Executive Session
A. MGL Chapter 30, 21A(3): To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation.
B. MGL Chapter 30, 21A(2): Negotiations and Collective Bargaining with Teachers
VI. Adjourn
A. Next Meeting Thursday November 5, 2020 “Special” (If Needed, see below)
Special Notice: If all items are not resolved on Wednesday night the Committee will adjourn for the evening and resume on Thursday November 5, 2020 at 6:00 pm. |