Cabela’s (The Store)
44 Highland Common
Berlin, MA 01749
(enter the store,
make an immediate left
and walk to the end.
Conference room is on the left.)
*As always, the public is welcome.*
1. Appointments/Guests (6:15 PM)
-Mathew Dyer, Area Director of Marketing, Solomon Pond Mall,
-Jennifer Peterson, Red Barn, Store Manager
-Rich Gilbert, Store Manager, Cabela’s and EDC Host for the evening
2. Minutes (Jul 24, 2018 & Aug 28, 2018)
3. Report/Discuss/Vote:
4. Member Assignments - Discuss:
-Tricia: -Board of Trade (Lucy)
-Paul: -Update - New England Sports Center, sites list for website and Liquor Barn successor & license
-Bud: -Update - Other EDC intel and update/redraft mission statement
-Peter: -Is EDC Town email forwarding to members, Website developer update, New biz activity since last meeting (Leggings Home, 601 Donald Lynch Blvd. Certificate # 2018-17 Owner: Erkan Ertosun) and prospective HC Fitness tenant and Alaa Abusalah - EDC, Chair, Town of Leicester
5. Confirm and choose future meeting dates & place (Oct 25)
* NOTE: Times are approximate; items may start before or after posted times depending on attendance, previous items, etc. |