Information for Meeting of Economic Development Committee
Thursday September 20, 2018 6:00 PM EDT

Town:Berlin, MA 
Board:Economic Development Committee
Time:Thursday September 20, 2018 6:00 PM EDT
Location:44 Highland Common, Berlin, MA (in the Cabela's store)
Cabela’s (The Store)
44 Highland Common
Berlin, MA 01749
(enter the store, 
make an immediate left
and walk to the end.
Conference room is on the left.)
*As always, the public is welcome.*

1.	Appointments/Guests (6:15 PM)
-Mathew Dyer, Area Director of Marketing, Solomon Pond Mall, 
-Jennifer Peterson, Red Barn, Store Manager
-Rich Gilbert, Store Manager, Cabela’s and EDC Host for the evening
2.	Minutes (Jul 24, 2018 & Aug 28, 2018)
3.	Report/Discuss/Vote:
4.  Member Assignments - Discuss:
-Tricia:	-Board of Trade (Lucy)
-Paul:		-Update - New England Sports Center, sites list for website and Liquor Barn successor & license
-Bud:		-Update - Other EDC intel and update/redraft mission statement
-Peter:	-Is EDC Town email forwarding to members, Website developer update, New biz activity since last meeting (Leggings Home, 601 Donald Lynch Blvd. Certificate # 2018-17 Owner: Erkan Ertosun) and prospective HC Fitness tenant and Alaa Abusalah - EDC, Chair, Town of Leicester
5.  Confirm and choose future meeting dates & place (Oct 25)

* NOTE: Times are approximate; items may start before or after posted times depending on attendance, previous items, etc.
Scheduled By:Peter Hoffman
Posted At:Sep 07, 2018 6:40 AM EDT
Last Modified:Dec 13, 2019 1:59 PM EST
Minutes:Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office
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Minutes and Associated Documents

BEDC Minutes 9-20-18 Final.pdf  (download) 168 Kb Jan 10, 2019 12:45 PM EST

Meeting Revision History

Sep 07, 2018 6:43 AM EDTLocation Agenda Details...
Sep 19, 2018 2:55 PM EDTLocation Agenda Details...
Dec 13, 2019 1:59 PM ESTLocation Details...