Information for Meeting of Economic Development Committee
Thursday November 02, 2017 8:45 PM EDT

Town:Berlin, MA 
Board:Economic Development Committee
Time:Thursday November 02, 2017 8:45 PM EDT
Location:Berlin Town Offices
23 Linden St. Berlin MA, 01503
Room 218
1.	Meet prospective members - Trisha Concannon, James Wheeler & Kristofer Munroe
2.	Appointment(s): Matthew Senie – Riverbridge and Solomon Pond Mall to discuss STM Drive-Thru proposal
3.	Discuss/handle/vote: Minutes
4.	Discuss/handle/vote:
-NVCOC Town Administrator’s Collaborative meeting 10-17-17
-EDC report to PB 10-24-17
-Surveys not received by: Indian Head Farm (Tim Wheeler) and Orchard Hill Equestrian Center (Jay Teich) 
-NVCOC Town Management Study Committee meeting 10-25-17
-Report on, and CMRPC assignments by the BOS (10-3-17)
-“Zeropoint” solar project
-Invite Store Manager of JCP, Macy’s and Sears (Tanya Best 508-357-6201
4. Assignments:
-Paul: New England Sports Center
-Connie: Other EDC’s meeting/information (Bolton, Harvard EDC
-Peter: Commerce or Economic issue – request that EDC be notified & EDC to become involved with FinComm, new Capital Planning Committee; Town Clerk to notify when new business opens in Berlin. Update and Look into ‘Spooky World’ re-use.  Attend Dept Head meeting re: business activity.
5.  Choose next meeting date(s) (after Dec 11, 2017)
6.  Future matters:
	- Draft submission for next town newsletter (deadline t/bd)
- Draft submission for ATM annual report - deadline Jan 20, 2018
- Meals/Lodging tax
- EDC slogan
- PB: “Top three ED projects” remains open (per previous request of NVCOC)
Scheduled By:Peter Hoffman
Posted At:Oct 26, 2017 10:06 AM EDT
Last Modified:Nov 02, 2017 7:38 PM EDT
Minutes:Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office
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Minutes and Associated Documents

BEDC Meeting minutes final 11-2-17.pdf  (download) 112 Kb May 31, 2018 7:20 AM EDT

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Room 221
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Meeting Revision History

Oct 26, 2017 4:09 PM EDTTime Agenda Details...
Nov 02, 2017 7:38 PM EDTAgenda Details...