On Mar 30, 2020 7:57 PM EDT Charlene DiCalogero changed a meeting of Library Trustees as follows:
Old Business 1. Coronavirus response A. Review draft Library Policy, Pandemic Preparedness (tentative title) B. Townwide Training, Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness, date TBD, 1 Trustee: determine who will attend. C. Any related updates on services, or concerns 2. Trustee Concerns A. Progress on Trustee candidate recruitment Adjournto
Old Business 1. Coronavirus response A. Review draft Library Policy, Pandemic Preparedness (tentative title) B. Townwide Training, Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness, date TBD, 1 Trustee: determine who will attend. C. Any related updates on services, or concerns 2. Septic replacement updates 3. Trustee Concerns A. Progress on Trustee candidate recruitment Adjourn
So that the meeting notice now reads:
Town: | Berlin, MA |
Board: | Library Trustees |
Time: | Tuesday March 31, 2020 5:30 PM EDT |
Location: | Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/985562122 Meeting ID: 985 562 122 |
Agenda: | Old Business 1. Coronavirus response A. Review draft Library Policy, Pandemic Preparedness (tentative title) B. Townwide Training, Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness, date TBD, 1 Trustee: determine who will attend. C. Any related updates on services, or concerns 2. Septic replacement updates 3. Trustee Concerns A. Progress on Trustee candidate recruitment Adjourn |
Scheduled By: | Charlene DiCalogero |
Posted At: | Mar 23, 2020 9:14 PM EDT |
Last Modified: | Mar 31, 2020 6:18 PM EDT |